Fulham USA FC
Can we just call that team what it is? Its an American National team abroad, much like Arsenal is/was depending on the day a mini French team in England. I wont go into what this says about England not developing English players because the more Americans abroad at the current time can only help us. Eddie Johnson just signed thru 2011 to play for Fulham, making him the 5th American player to join the club and now we have 11 (I looked it up) in the premiership. Once Benny "he scores against mexico so i will always love him" Feilhaber gets out of Derby, Fulham will have half the americans in the epl... i am getting way into the statistics but thinking back to my sophomore year of HS the JV team for SSHS should have just been called what it was - the LWS somewhat team... i say somewhat cause if we had others from the school join in I am sure we could have put together a decently strong side - but as a UEFA Championship, I digress...
just recently I read something on myfootballclub.co.uk about how the MLS will always be second rank solely due to its playoff structure, and i wont disagree with that but i think the current issue with the mls is the talent issue. the level of play needs to rise, with beckham coming over and more international attention I think that will happen. But i also think having those players go overseas and then come back a little seasoned will help. Once McBride finishes playing overseas, I hope he comes back and helps out with an MLS team, gives a few youngsters some tips and helps them and our country move up the ranks...
thats all on my mind right now... good luck to eddie
1 youth