Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Champions League Me

Good stuff coming up... Barca v Milan, any takers? Ronaldinho's boys up 1-nil (that goal being an away goal) and coming home to Nou Camp. Should be an amazing game but first up is Arsenal at Villarreal. Real need a goal and maybe another squirrel to run on the pitch. Arsenal will of course come out a blazing with new strength after their Spurs tie. New Liverpool era rule - You take your leagues last Champions League spot if you win the cup. So Arsenal, if Spurs dont win, need to win it all or they wont be playing Champions League in their nice new Fly Pirates Stadium. How sweet would it be for the gunners to take what they think the spurs stole.
Thoughts and predictions?
Are we going to see extra time?
Arsenal @ Villarreal on ESPN 2 at 2:30 estern time...

Who do you want to see in the Paris Final?


Anonymous said...

You know I want Barca in the final. Thre is no player more fun to watch than Ronaldinho, and this would be a nice stage to catch his performance. As for Barca's opponents, I have no dog in that hunt. While it would be nice to watch Henry in a title game, his presence would mean that Arsenal plays for the title, and that would give Wenger a stage on which I'd rather not see him.

Anonymous said...

an email i sent to espn this morning is below. can you believe they didnt show Barca and AC????

"yesterday, epsn 2 showed a jump rope competition in lieu of the champions league match between Barcelona and AC Milan. perhaps the ratings for jump roping are better than soccer, but if so why don't you let someone who cares about soccer (Fox or GolTv) show such an important game? the spottiness of your coverage of this tournament is a slap in the face of those who care about this sport."

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't knock (what was that again?, oh yeah) jump rope. Almost a throw back to the original days of ESPN when you had the "opportunity" to watch endless games of Aussie Rules Football. (Actually, that'd be a great game to officiate just for the uniform -- white suit and hat.)

Sure hope the final is on TV (soccer not jump rope) -- May 17 is a Wednesday, and I already feel a cold coming on.